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Rare, Possibly a Tradesman's Sample, of a Late 19th Century Nautical Chart Holder


Call For Location | 203-325-8070

18" h x 38" w x 12" d
Rare, possibly a tradesman's sample, of a late 19th century lighted nautical chart holder & course indicator in mahogany box made by C. Putnam's ( Bayard T. Putnam ), now a coffee table on modern mahogany stand.  Original antique chart of Long Island Sound on roller.

Find Weatherly

Rare, Possibly a Tradesman's Sample, of a Late 19th Century Nautical Chart Holder


Call For Location | 203-325-8070

18" h x 38" w x 12" d

Rare, possibly a tradesman's sample, of a late 19th century lighted nautical chart holder & course indicator in mahogany box made by C. Putnam's ( Bayard T. Putnam ), now a coffee table on modern mahogany stand.  Original antique chart of Long Island Sound on roller.

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